Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Watermelon 2

Watermelons are weird. Watermelons are so big and clumsy looking. They are large and are not easy to handle. You can only hold one watermelon at once in your hand. Watermelons are like basketballs, you cannot hold more than one watermelon in one hand. I think I have seen smaller watermelons somewhere a while ago, but don't remember where. I remember someone once telling me that they had so much watermelon, that they were eating watermelon for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am thinking of various products I can incorporate watermelons into. Watermelon flavored pancakes, watermelon flavored waffles, watermelon omelets, watermelon French toast, etc.

I am going to insert a watermelon into a girl's vagina someday. I wonder how vagina flavored watermelon tastes like lol. I feel like I am running out of things to say about watermelons. I am also thinking of watermelon ice cream in addition to watermelon yogurt. I am thinking of the events one could have incorporating watermelons. Some of the occasions could be watermelon month, watermelon day, watermelon celebrations and so on. I know they serve strawberries and chocolate at Wimbledon. I am thinking if I should suggest that they serve watermelon at French Open when it is warmer in the summer. Or serve watermelon at the Indian Wells tennis tournament where it is really warm.

I could think of having a watermelon sale instead of having a bake sale in summer. What else could one incorporate watermelon in? One could have watermelon flavored condoms. I wonder why they have flavored condoms in the first place. Does the vagina have taste? I don't think so. I mean if I put chilis in a girl's vagina it might burn, but I don't think putting sweets in there is going to enable her vagina to taste it. I could see if the girl or hooker gives a blow job with a condom on, then she could taste the flavor, but other than that I don't see the point of it. And with most women taking birth control these days, lots of people in relationships don't even use condoms.