Sunday, June 21, 2009

thoughts on grinding, gangsters and auxiliary stuff.

Grinding, this form of dance really boggles my mind. I never really understood the whole concept of grinding on the dance floor and calling it dancing. I think it is retarded. Well actually I even think most of black music, rap is retarded, not really music. I might feel this way maybe because I did not grow up in America. To me music should be melodious, or uplifting, pleasant to the ear, or motivational, inspirational, etc. Some ugly gangster looking guy screaming obscenities in a microphone or saying words in it does not constitute music. I mean I like few 2pac songs and few of the positive hip-hop songs with some message to it. This is how hip hop probably started as a way to express some positive message, but today has ended up as dumb rap songs, niggers sing about their bling bling and 16 inch rims. On a site note dumb music like mariachi music is something I cannot handle for too long either, I feel listening to that music lowers your IQ. In addition, stupid reggae ton is classless bullshit. I only use that I see for hip-hop with beats, reggae ton music is that it could be used as background music to do the dry humping dance. I also hate guys who blast gangster rap in their cars and thinking they are all tough because they listen to it.

I also hate guys who try to act gangster, I find it highly annoying when guys walk around acting and trying to look all-tough in night clubs, etc. I like beat these cocksuckers with a baseball bat. I also do not get why so many gangster Mexican guys have that weird gangster shaved head look. I also see some Korean and other Asian gang members with that same annoying gangster haircut. I heard that shaving their heads to join gangs was part of purifying process, are you kidding me? Why the fuck are these sons of bitches getting purified and then committing crime and dealing with most impure activities? When did being urban become wearing baggy clothing, gangster outfits, and oh yah those straight hats, I just hate those, why not just wear a normal baseball, but no all those cock suckers have to wear a cap that is straight and weird. Also you don’t need a cap indoors, unless you forgot to comb your head or you are trying to hide your face from security cameras.
I was also never fond of tattoos and piercing. I can never understand why people get piercing in the first place; go through all that pain to look uglier?

Getting back to discussing grinding, which I originally intended to discuss. I don’t really get why girls dance like that, but then they don’t want to have sex. I mean they dance like sluts, act like whores, drink your drinks and talk to you when they are drunk but if you want bang them, they are like, excuse me, who do you think I am? A slut? All of a sudden they act all offended, but then they don’t mind having ten different guy’s dicks rubbed on their butt/ vagina area. I would assume a slut on the dance floor, should be a slut off the dance floor. I wonder if girls really get stimulated by grinding, I mean they seem to like doing it, or do they do it because all the other retarded dumb popular bitches are doing it? And they want to fit in and get the attention from guys? I don’t know, chicks are so retarded.

When I was growing up, imitating Michael Jackson, break dance, etc. was dancing to me. I don’t know when drying humping became dancing. I don’t really see what dry humping does for the guy, other than give a hard on. I seem to have some kind of emotional reaction when I see other guys grinding girls, because I am the guy on the dance floor who no girl wants to grind. I just don’t get it. I probably won’t even like it that much, but it’s just that I wonder why can’t I grind girls like the other guys.
I actually hate the club atmosphere, but I like to see the girls all tarted up, showing they thighs, their boobs, their butts and every other part they could possibly show to turn on a guy. I also like watching girls rubbing themselves onto other girls.

I have more to right about grinding and other stuff, but I will save that for future blogs.

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