Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 28 blog

I am happy for Rob, he finally got his lay. He has made the most progress of all us. I saw a small picture of the girl, she seems cute, blond, nice. Rob has also got three make outs. He has put in the most fieldwork. Laying the blond chick in his truck was pretty cool, damn. Rob's the man. I am going to vicariously live through Rob's progress for now. At least one of the bro's is getting some. I wanted to congratulate Rob before I get back to my stuff.

Now getting back to my stuff, nothing exciting has happened in the past few days, just been moving and working. I am still working on slowing down my speech while talking to people. I am at least aware of it a few times a day and I control it for a few moments before I go back into my old way of talking fast to keep people's attention.

I enjoyed hiking with the guys last week. It was fun, something I had never done before. It was nice to walk around in nature and over the rocks, etc. I meet one of NM's friends; he seemed to be a cool guy. I did not know they had such beautiful mountains and a forest to close to where I live. I was thinking that I should take my date to the forest in my date scenario, but on the other hand, I felt that the girl may not trust me enough to go to a forest for the first meeting. So maybe I should start off with a park close by.

My new apartment in Glendale is nice, and there are more girls close by than my previous apartment on the border of the ghetto and the nice area. But a lot of these Persian and Armenian girls and women look very proud. And they are always driving expensive cars, so many BMW's. I am still fooled by social value, especially when cute girls drive expensive cars, I feel nervous to talk to them or even look at them. But having an expensive car, doesn't automatically mean they are rich, but it still does fool me at that moment.

I am looking forward to a good class this weekend.

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