Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bad Mood 6

What else do I write about bad mood? I don't feel like writing without any comments or feedback, I don't know if anyone is reading it. Bad mood, drama can cause bad mood. Bad mood gives one a headache. Ah, I already wrote about this. I wish there was a world without bad moods. Everyone would be all happy and no one would be getting upset at each other. Everyone can play along and live happily ever after. If there were a heaven it should definitely not have bad moods. Bad moods spoil it for everyone. I wonder how the word mood came up, that is using the word mood to describe one's emotional state.

I should come up with a medication to alleviate bad mood. I guess they have some on the market already. I have to come up with something that gives instant results. So a person is all grumpy and sad, and then they take my medication and instantly turn into an upbeat mood. A person could be thinking of going postal or banging his head against the wall, but when they take this medication, they immediately will start singing and dancing.

I wonder if Osama ever has a good mood. I always see him serious in his videos. Well actually I remember see him smiling while eating food in some video once. That reminds me, sometimes I see people who look serious all the time and wonder how they just go about being that way all the time. It just boggles my mind.

Anyways I am trying to end the drama with my female coworker. She gives is giving me constant bad mood. Yesterday she said everything was ok. Today she tells me that maybe we should not talk that much. I was like what the fuck in my mind. Ok, so we don't talk. But then later she is with this other Burmese guy, all laughing and shit.

Bad mood makes one a little nervous, or at least people can tell when I am in a bad mood. I show it very easily, I can't really hide it well. I am very apparent and predictable.

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