I woke up this morning with a bad, I felt congested and I did not feel my best. Later today I will be driving to a calmer city called San Diego. I have heard some good things about this place and I have visited it a couple of times, it seems to be a nice place. Anyway I will get another chance to experience it this week.
Getting back to this morning, I was hoping that my cold would go again soon, so that I feel better when I am in San Diego. I misspelled and corrected Diego every time while typing this blog. I was thinking if I would have any cool experiences in San Diego, I hope to something nice happens. Actually I know I have to make it happen, but let's see.
The only good part about Monday's is the traffic is not that bad. The drive to Downtown LA is relatively pleasant and you don't to deal with slow moving traffic, constant braking and red brake lights. Also Monday gives me hope that this week will be a good week, another chance to apply the principles, get my expectations met and have good results. It gets the cycle started before you start waiting for weekend again.
Since my parents were not at home, I had to pack my own lunch; this was a problem since I was already late packing my luggage for the San Diego trip. Having a cold is an uneasy feeling, but overtime you get used to the cold. I mean it still bothers me, but it's not like super painful. It definitely is annoying, the constant snort going in and out and then sneezing into a tissue. Sometimes my voice changes when I have a cold, I like the way I sound at times, I sound calmer. I act a little calmer, since my body is spending its energy fighting the cold.
I noticed that my co-worker bought a green plant and kept it in his cubicle. Now I want to get a plant and keep in my cubicle. Plants are nice, their green color is soothing to the eyes and also they provide you fresh air. I can picture my cubicle with a bunch of plants. I will be breathing the fresh air and oxygen released from them and also my cubicle will be cooler which helps in the summer. The only problem is I have to remember to water the plants. I got plants at home once and I forgot to water them and they died. I am going to try getting plants for my office cubicle and see how it goes.
I checked out an Altima hybrid to take to San Diego. I love the silent electric engine on the Altima's. The air condition turned on instantly and the car was so quiet and calm. I had to turn off the AC since it was aggravating my cold.
I am looking forward to the San Diego training to see what experiences it brings and what I can do to influence those experiences, so that I have good experiences.