Wednesday, December 17, 2008

get upset easily

I got upset at myself today for missing the yoga class. Finally I was seeing the benefits of yoga. And I did not go to class. This messes up the flexibility needed for tomorrow's class. I am on a computer, the whole freaking day, so doing yoga, etc. helps align everything.

I get so ticked of sometimes when things go wrong, a little. So many times, I have an all or nothing attitude, I rather do everything right or not do anything at all. I hate missing things, I need to have everything in order sometimes to keep doing stuff.

Today was another day. It was raining, so I did not go do my mission. I did not even do the validaiton list in my car. And now since I missed the yoga class, I am not going to the other ab fitness in the evening at my work.

I finished FEM I and FEM II, I need to read FEM III. Then continue reading the remaining atrticles. I have cut down social interaction with my co-workers, until I get my social interaction right. Becuase I end up falling into the same bad patterns when I talk too much with them. I am a talketive guy, I like to talk a lot, but most of the time its nonsense and silly stuff.

In the evening, I got an idea, that I should check out bickram yoga. I might go check it out in pasadena, excpet its so god damn cold. It makes sense, time to go back to my roots, yoga! Hopefull theres some chicks wearing minimal clothing at this place. Will find out!

Yoga and martial arts membership is more expensive than 24 hour fitness, but I guess it better. I think I should try it out. Bikram yoga is good, don't need much equipment, shoes, t-shirt, nothing. just shorts!

While I was typing this my dorky friend interupts me, messes up fucking flow of ideas.I am trying to meet the 350 word requirement. I can;t belive I am having trouble ending the post, when I am nearing the 350 word limit.

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