On the other had you have workplaces like Google, where employees are super motivated. They want to be working on the cutting edge projects. Their workplace is a place one wants to be. Even over their home. Employees would rather spend long hours at their workplace rather than going home, cause it’s just that good. Organic food, snacks, laundry machines, pool tables, rest beds, you name it.
Why don't more companies adopt the Google motto, keep employees happy, get more productive work. My workplace on the other hand is so unionized. I guess they are benefits to being in a union, but I think they can try to adopt some of the new age philosophies of Google. Make working conditions and workplace more motivating and uplifting.
In my opinion getting work done is more important than just sitting at desk and being there the whole time. At my work place unfortunately all one cares about is if the employee is on time. It doesn't if they aren't productive enough, etc. I remember at
Also there is so much procedure, bureaucracy and red tape involved in doing anything in government. Just to take a class, one has to fill so much paper work, get approval of 3-4 different people, get their signatures. All this just delays and creates unnecessary loss of work time and resources. If employees want to take classes the process should be simplified. I can't believe we actually have to fill-out an attendance authority to take a class! Does it mean than I am like their slave and I need their authorization to be in a class and not that at my desk?
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