Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Blog

I did not have the ideal start for my work day this morning. I was a little late and was worried what my boss would say. Anyway things went smooth for the most part. I somehow got into the conversation of women and stuff with a coworker of mine. I make this mistake of talking about manhood, even though people have no clue about it and many times take it the wrong way. Anyways he and I started discussing this topic. I realized soon that I should not have gotten into it in the first place. I think he is more into the equality between women and men, the woman have to very smart and they should not be submissive etc. A grown man telling me this is weird. Well the divorces explain things.

I was trying to tell him how I wanted to have interactions on my terms, etc. And he was like no no. I don't know why I tried explaining it to him. He saw me on looking at m101 site and started saying that this is like Cosmo for guys. I said yah guys don't have any resources. He said no you are making things to complex. I told him that changes don't happen overnight. He was like no it's a numbers game you just go to out and keep trying. I don't why I keep doing that and then think of the most smart way to counter the other person's argument. I need to stop talking about manhood and just show my manhood rather than discussing it with hundred other people. For some reason I thought the dude would understand but no.

I did agree with one thing the guy said that I needed to go out and meet girls. In my mind I was thinking, yes I need to go out and do my missions. So later in the afternoon I decided to go start on my invalidation mission day 4. I always make excuses in my head not to the mission, but today I just went ahead and did it anyway. Once I break the initial inertia of doing the mission and get a few done, it's not that bad anymore.

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