Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Healthy Spaghetti

I was so hungry today when I left my training class. I was sitting in that class trying not to sleep. I kept dinking hot decaf coffee in the hopes that it would keep me awake. Finally, the class was over and I ran up to my cubicle took a quick nap and then heated my food. I had healthy brown whole grain spaghetti for lunch. The spaghetti as I mentioned is brown since it is made of whole grains. It definitely looks healthy. In addition, when I eat it I feel full from all the fiber and protein in it. I heated up the spaghetti along with the red lamb curry that my mom made. I also heated a potato and beans curry to have some vegetables in my meal.

I heated my food. The spaghetti was steaming, asking for the red steamy hot lamb curry to be poured on it. That is what I did. The spaghetti started soaking up all the curry like sponge. I mixed the spaghetti and lamb pieces around, and then took a bite of this well mixed food. It tasted good and healthy. I love this fusion dish, mixing Indian curry with Italian spaghetti. I get the best of both worlds. I did this so that I can avoid eating rice and eat healthier spaghetti instead. I finally figured how to minimize my rice consumption with this spaghetti substitute; I hope I do not get tired of it too quickly. Then I added the potato and beans to get my vegetable in, the combination seemed to work fine. The potatoes blended well with the lamb curry flavor. As I relished my healthy meal, I thought the only thing missing to add to the experience was a coke. I could imagine the sweet taste of carbonated coke in mouth as I had my meal. However, I decided to save the coke for later and have it while writing my blog. I like to treat myself to sweet treats while completing tasks.

After eating my lamb spaghetti, I ate pineapple that my mom packed. The fruit helps offset the curry flavor and gives me a fresher fruit breath. I generally like to finish my meals with a sweet and fruit is a great choice, since I feel it acts like a breath freshener to a certain extent.

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