I woke up in the cold morning grumbling again. I did not feel like getting up so I went back to sleep after turning off my music alarm. I later woke up after 25 minutes. I realized I was going to run late. So I slept another five minutes. I then woke up for the third time and quickly brushed my teeth etc. I was running out of time to shower, so I was in a dilemma if I should shower or not. I then made the decision that I should, since hygiene is important. But taking the shower made me late. However I did not want to stink. Then I rushed into car and drove over quickly at high speeds. I started thinking about my boss. So I was driving even better, I was moving in and out of traffic.
I then came to work and quickly got to my cubicle in espionage mode. I did not see my other female coworker who is not fond of me yet in the elevator. I wish she was there since I actually showered today. Anyways, after quickly getting myself setup in my cubicle, I went over to see my female coworker in team which is a good way to also see if my boss is there.
Later on I got hungry. I was wondering what to eat. I don't really like to eat the cafeteria food. I get a little picky about my food, when I have to pay for it. I want the food to be healthy, cheap (well not too expensive) and taste good. This criterion is sometimes hard to meet. I finally decided to go to Subway and check out the breakfast stuff over there. I wanted to ask my coworker but was not sure if she wanted to go, so I went by myself. Upon reaching Subway I realized that the breakfast menu had ham and other meats along with eggs in the sandwiches. So I got a veggie patty foot long sandwich. I came back and tried the veggie sandwich it tasted like crap, eh I wouldn't say crap, it could have tasted better. I should have got some mustard in it. Oh well. Anyways then I decided to write a short blog today which is what this blog is.