Sunday, January 31, 2010

Super Bum Sunday with crap show review.

I had a great class with nfm and kddr last night. I have to write a field report of the class, which I have put off for today, I hope to accomplish it during the beginning of the work week or at least I plan to accomplish it then. Today I just fucked around at home doing nothing; I did not even get any reading done. I just some porn and then some shows. I ate two plates of rice for breakfast with egg and meat and then two pancakes. For lunch I ate two plates of rice and meat and egg and an indian tortilla milke and sugar. I felt like crap after eating all this and just lazed around watching shows on my computer. My stomach was stuffy and I kept burping but still drank some apple juice and I had this urge to keep something edible flowing through me mouth. I might still eat again for dinner even though I shouldn't be eating but my dysfunctional desire to enjoy and gorge on this food will eventually overcome my lack of will power. Anyways, I wanted to check out an Indian comedian aziz ansari, to see another brown man on American tv. I felt maybe I could relate to him somehow. Anyway, I found the show he was in it was called ‘Parks and Recreation’. I now remember that an emasculated male recommended this show at my work.

I still wanted to watch it because of the Indian guy. I started watching it and it me a little while to realize that is was such an emasculated show. The main character of the show is a female. The supporting man character is a female. The men in the show were supporting actors for the women. Their roles were to support the women. Initially I thought the Indian guy was somewhat funny but I realized he was kind of a fag too. The Indian guy asks a nineteen year old if she thinks he is one of the cutest Indians in their town. He is so looking for her approval and she says NO in the most definite cold manner, and he makes some fag joke just so that it doesn't look that bad.

Anyway I kept watching the show to see if it got better, and I must be crazy cause I saw sever of these shows before realizing I can’t take it anymore. The main character in the show a female tries to be a funny female version of Steve Carrel from ‘the office’ but I just found her to get more annoying. In one show she tries to join the boys club and they kind of touch on the glass ceiling bullshit. Anyway, they show the women in the show to be the moral compass and the guys to be goofy. The second female in the shows is shown as this double shift working nurse who supports her good for nothing boyfriend who just lazes at home. They show her to be so patient and pious and this lazy boyfriend who just keeps taking advantage of her. They finally show that she realizes that she was too good to him and she needs to be dump him. It was very similar to the Pam Beisly nonsense from the office, in fact one of the actress’s is from the office. I finally had enough of this female leader character nonsense show which also showed the lead character’s mom as a high position holding woman in the city’s government system. There was a slight message about it showing how women are entering government and changing things! Lol. That’s enough of it, but the show also makes fun of the main character where she is shown as a goofy woman in a government post causing all kinds of drama and situations, but due to her strong unique ways as a woman she finds a way to always save they day. Haha. Nonsense at its best.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pool party

I say goodbye to my friend who I had not seen for many years but spend the past weekend with him. After that, I went to a pool party at ninja’s place. It was a little emotional because he was a good close friend of mine, and especially now since I don’t have that many friends where I live, it was even more exciting hanging out with him and also sad when he was leaving. I have not been writing my blogs for a while and I have just been focusing on reading with the hope that it will help improve my writing as well as expression in general. Last weekend when I met friends who I know from before seemed to listen to what I say and I always had stuff to say.

Getting back to the pool party, I was driving along slowly for the first in ages since I was not running late as usual. as I had to see my friend in Fullerton. I felt so calm and relaxed as I did not have to race to get there at 4:30. I was actually early for the first time in ages! I received a text from ninja asking me to get swimming trunks, I was already in HB, so I replied saying that I already was in HB. Later, I decided that I did want not want to cause ninja any extra headache and stopped by target to get some swimming trunks.

As I drove into the complex, I saw TD. It was good to see him after a while. He was looking good with his hair grown and looked like a little kid. I used to think this guy was boring but after getting to know him, I have found to appreciate his company.

KDRR, Ninja, TD and I go to the grocery store to get strawberries, and other stuff for the BBQ. Later they decided that getting pizza would be cheaper, it is funny they have this twice before. We get back to the ninja’s place and ninja calls in the pizza. He then asks me to choose even or odd and then shows the opposite of what I said with this fingers and tells me to go pick up the pizza. I crossed the 350-word limit already, but I will stop here for now. I will continue blogging about the party in another blog another day.